News » WOLCS Mental Health Task Force

WOLCS Mental Health Task Force

Mental Health and Wellness

Overview of Mental Health and Wellness Taskforce:

WOLCS’ students, their families, and school staff have experienced a challenging set of transitions during the coronavirus crisis. Upon returning to school, our school community will be confronted with many changes based on unique circumstances that will be particularly difficult for some. Everyone would have experienced considerable stress (isolation, depression, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, domestic violence, poverty, and economic turmoil), some would have been ill, some will be grieving for a relative or friend who died. And transition-back stressors are likely to exacerbate other factors that interfere with school adjustment, and thus with learning and teaching.


The Mental Health and Wellness Taskforce was created to address the many challenges our school community is experiencing during these tumultuous times. The overarching goal is to equip our students, families and staff with resources needed to help them transition back to school safely and to be able to manage beyond the COVID-19 crisis.



Mental Health and Wellness Taskforce Members:

The Taskforce consists of school leaders, board members, parents, and WOLCS external stakeholders. Taskforce members have personal and professional experiences that can help identify people and resources to meet the urgent mental health and wellness needs to support the transition back to school for families, teachers/staff & stakeholders.


The Taskforce is divided into Five Groups to develop targeted strategic plans towards supporting our students, families, and staff:


  • Social & Emotional Health
  • Nurse/Health Personnel
  • Human Resources
  • Communications
  • School Cleanliness


Mental Health and Wellness Resources:


What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious


Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus


Department of Public Health Philadelphia - Resources for Philadelphia Families during Covid


Psychologists’ advice for newly remote workers


Uplift, Center for Grieving Families


CDC Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick