Volunteer Requirements
Background Clearances
Protecting Pennsylvania’s children from abuse and neglect is a shared responsibility. It requires collaboration from the formal child protective services system, community partners and our citizens to provide local safety nets for children and families that are facing challenges within our communities and neighborhoods.
Recently, 24 pieces of legislation were enacted, changing how Pennsylvania responds to child abuse. These changes significantly impact the ability for volunteers, parents, and guardians who want to participate in school activities. As a school we need every person interested in working with our children to secure their background clearances. The background check fees required by the Child Protective Services Law for volunteers has been waived. Once you choose volunteer on your application on-line the fee is automatically waived. You may find more information on the new Child Protective Services Law at: http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/findaform/childabusehistoryclearanceforms/index.htm Or click below to access the online application directly.
Everyone must attain a minimum of a criminal background check as well as a child abuse check. Here are the links:
Anyone who has moved into the state with the past year must also have their fingerprint background check completed at: https://www.pa.cogentid.com/index_dpw.htm
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation working with us to ensure that our children are safe. Please remember that you cannot attend things such as a field trip without turning in your completed background checks. Once completed, please turn these into the front main office.
Protecting Pennsylvania’s children from abuse and neglect is a shared responsibility. It requires collaboration from the formal child protective services system, community partners and our citizens to provide local safety nets for children and families that are facing challenges within our communities and neighborhoods.
Recently, 24 pieces of legislation were enacted, changing how Pennsylvania responds to child abuse. These changes significantly impact the ability for volunteers, parents, and guardians who want to participate in school activities. As a school we need every person interested in working with our children to secure their background clearances. The background check fees required by the Child Protective Services Law for volunteers has been waived. Once you choose volunteer on your application on-line the fee is automatically waived. You may find more information on the new Child Protective Services Law at: http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/findaform/childabusehistoryclearanceforms/index.htm Or click below to access the online application directly.
Everyone must attain a minimum of a criminal background check as well as a child abuse check. Here are the links:
Anyone who has moved into the state with the past year must also have their fingerprint background check completed at: https://www.pa.cogentid.com/index_dpw.htm
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation working with us to ensure that our children are safe. Please remember that you cannot attend things such as a field trip without turning in your completed background checks. Once completed, please turn these into the front main office.