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- WOLCS Graduation - Congrats Class of \པ! Featured Uploaded Jun 19, 2024
4:41 PA Harvest of the Month Student Contest Featured
Congratulations to the Participants of the PA Harvest Of The Month Student Contest<br><br>WOLCS was awarded the PA Harvest of the Month (PHOM) Student Contest Grant to engage student in a contest! Several students had the opportunity to be contestants, learn about healthy foods and create video messages. <br>We applaud all our students who participated. The contest winners, \"We The Healthy People,\" created a captivating Tik-Tok style video promoting the significance of healthy eating. Their video not only showcased their talents and select PA Produce from the PHOM calendar (Strawberries and Dairy) but also earned praise from the State Agency for exceptional quality.<br> <br>All students exhibited notable enthusiasm and commitment as they represented the WOLCS Community. Under the guidance of our instructors, they explored the world of strawberries and dairy, discovering numerous ways to incorporate these nutritious ingredients into wholesome meals and snacks and creating video messages.<br><br>About PA HOM: Pennsylvania Harvest of the Month (PA HOM) is a program developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Project PA (Penn State University) to promote a local agricultural product each month through schools, child and adult care centers/day care homes, and summer feeding sites. The program aims to provide participants with local, healthy products while supporting Pennsylvania farmers and producers.<br>
Uploaded Mar 12, 2024 - WOLCS Graduation - Congrats Class of \ན! Featured Uploaded Jun 22, 2023
1:07 Spring Wellness Fair and Wild About Reading Event Featured Uploaded Jun 09, 2023
- WOLCS Covid Testing Day - January 15, 2022 Featured Uploaded Jan 13, 2022
Vaccination Clinic at WOLCS
It’s been over a year since COVID-19 immunizations made their way onto the marketplace. Many adults have gotten immunized since that time, and because of that, the world has become much safer. And, with the cooperation of families, the world is about to become even safer as the FDA has recently approved vaccinations for children.<br> <br>The West Oak Lane Charter School will host a vaccination clinic on December 11 from 9 AM - 3 PM. The clinic is in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Health and Academy Pharmacy, and all are welcome— children and adults—but children ages 5-17 must be accompanied by an adult. <br><br>Details include:<br>• Pfizer and Moderna brand vaccinations will be available for children ages 12 and over during the clinic. <br>• Pfizer is the only provider for children ages 5-11. <br>• Both brands are administered in two vaccinations. <br>• People needing booster shots are welcome.<br>• West Oak Lane Charter School will host a second clinic on January 2 from 9 AM to 3 PM.<br>• Appointments are required. To schedule, visit:<br>
Uploaded Dec 10, 2021